Meeting Point Seniors Ministry

Meeting Point Seniors Ministry

Seniors Ministry, also known as Meeting Point, come together monthly for a simple lunch, good company and a varied programme always finishing with tea and cake. There’s no need to sign up, and we always welcome new people!

Dates for your diary

Sunday 1st September 3.30pm

Tea at the Vicarage (57 Nunnery Road)

Thursday 12th September 12-2.30pm

Hymns We Love 3: Rock of Ages

Exploring the background, words and meaning of a popular hymn

Thursday 10th October 12-2.30pm

A Harvest Hamper: celebrating God’s goodness and how we can share it

Thursday 14th November 12-2.30pm

‘Before you go….’

A practical look at how to prepare for life’s final and greatest journey

Thursday 12th December 12-3pm

Christmas Celebration and lunch

For more information please email Nina Coulthard

Meet the Team

Nina Coulthard