Safeguarding at SMB

At SMB we want to make everyone feel welcome and safe. To help with this, Andy King acts as our Adult Safeguarding Lead and Sarah Genders as our Child Safeguarding Lead. Georgia Hirst is our Lay Safeguarding Advisor and Nedine Watson-Cutts is our Parish Disclosure Officer. Their roles include looking out for those within SMB who may need support. They are also available to speak to about any issues or concerns you may have.

Every volunteer who helps with children and youth work has to complete an application form, a DBS check and two references, as well as an interview with the ministry leader. We run regular vulnerable adult and child protection training for those on teams. Please contact the Church Office if you wish to help with the children and youth work or be involved in other ministries and we’ll put you in touch with the right people.

Reporting a Concern

If you have a safeguarding concern please do fill in the form above or contact either our Child or Adult Safeguarding Leads or a member of clergy by calling the relevant number given below. If you are unable to get through, then please do leave a message if the concern is not urgent. If you do need to speak to someone urgently during office hours then please try contacting the Church Office (01227 453777). If you believe someone is at immediate risk or danger please call 999.

If your concern is regarding a church officer (clergy, member of staff or safeguarding lead) please directly contact an appropriate alternative using the details below, and complete a paper concern form which can be found in the church office or vestry (or print the online form off). You may also wish to pass your concern directly to the Canterbury Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors.

Sarah Genders – Child Safeguarding lead: 07896
Andy King – Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding lead: 07434
Rosemary Wade – Churchwarden: 07921 501804
Peter Bobb – Churchwarden: 07527 877947

The Canterbury Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors are:
Paul Brightwell – 07398 009951 –
Fiona Coombs – 07548 232395 –


CofE safeguarding policies

We are committed to the Church of England’s ‘Promoting a Safer Church’ safeguarding policy, and use the Parish Safeguarding Handbook as guidance, supported locally by the Canterbury Diocese Supplementary Document. This is reviewed annually by the PCC.

We have an eSafety policy we use with our children and young people based on the Diocese eSafety Guidelines.

If you would like to read more of the policies and guidance given to us by the Canterbury Diocese, please do visit the Canterbury Diocese website.

Safeguarding numbers

If you need to talk with someone outside of church there are other organisations who offer advice and support:

Child Line (for under 18’s) – 0800 1111
NSPCC – 0808 800 5000
Family Lives helpline (for parents/carers) – 0808 800 2222
Kent Social Services (concerns about adults) – 03000 41 61 61
Kent Social Services (concerns about children) – 03000 41 11 11

Safeguarding documents

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