Eco Church

As a church we aim to take the practical steps necessary to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and to sustain the life of the earth.

To help us play our part in this the PCC has appointed a working group whose members are: Chloë Baxter, Tom Gilbert, Laura Hackett, Rowan Lovegrove, Harry Macdonald, and Nicholas Thurston.

In February 2019 the PCC adopted a new environmental policy which is available below.

We will be using the A Rocha UK Eco Church award scheme as a guide to help us: For more information visit their website:

We will try and keep this page up-to-date but there’ll be lots of little things we can all play a part in so do speak to one of the working group members for more information.

Eco Church Award Points

St Mary Bredin Environmental Policy

Policy Background

We affirm these elements of our faith: Through Christ, God has created an awesome and majestic cosmos to bring Him praise and glory. We are but one part of His created order.

Jesus has redeemed the whole earth through His death and resurrection.

We recognise that we have a special responsibility to care for the Earth so that human life and all God’s creatures may be sustained in harmony.

Policy Aim

As a local church, we aim to take the practical steps necessary to realise the Fifth Mark of Mission, which is “to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and to sustain the life of the earth”.


As a church community, we will take environmental concerns into account in all our activities: Our mission, worship, study, education, training, pastoral, administrative and other projects and programmes will all seek to respect the earth. We will:

Openly talk about the reality of negative environmental impact and its consequences on God’s kingdom on earth; we declare our collective, corporate and individual responsibility in addressing climate issues.

Work to meet the world goals for reducing CO2 emissions set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; we will reduce emissions generated from church activities by 50% from 2017 to 2030 using progressive year on year targets.

Welcome constructive input from all members of the church to help work towards a sustainable future.

Actions to enable the policy implementation

  1. We will appoint a group to lead our programme and encourage the group representative to bring environment action plans to the PCC on a regular basis.
  2. We will use the A Rocha Eco Church framework to guide our work in this area.

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